Ethiopian Regime Promises an Award of 15, 000 Eth. Birr for anyone who provides information leading to OLF and OLA Members
(OLF News, December 27, 2008) OLF News sources reported that the current TPLF-Ethiopian government is sending a large number of intelligence personnel [spies] to several towns and rural areas in the Eastern Harargee zone of Eastern Oromia for the purpose of getting information about the Oromo Liberation Army. Full Report
Oromo Community Cultural Festival Celebrated in Melbourne, Australia
VIDEO: Oromia Community Festival

(OLF News, December 22, 2008) Our correspondent from Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) reported that amongst the 200 so Oromo nationalists arrested in the notorious Maikelawi Mirmera Prison by the [Ethiopian] Wayyaanee regime over the last six weeks. Full Report
Only 16 of Over 200 Oromo Prisoners Charged with "Crime" and Sent to Qalittii Prison
(OLF News, December 20, 2008) Our correspondent from Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) reported that amongst the 200 so Oromo nationalists arrested in the notorious Maikelawi Mirmera Prison by the [Ethiopian] Wayyaanee regime over the last six weeks. Full Report
Oromo Nationalists Organized Under 13 OLF Cells Discussed About Oromo Liberation Struggle Led by OLF: Made Financial Contribution to OLF
(OLF News, December 19, 2008) Oromo nationalists organized under 13 OLF cells, namely: Agartuu Ijaa, Finciltuu Diinaa, Haya Carcar, Daakaa Oromoo, Dhaddacha Dirree, Hundee Bilisummaa , Haroo Adii, Birruu Beenyaa, Guutamaa Hawaas came together to celebrate the EID Arafaa and discussed about the Oromo liberation struggle led by OLF. Full Report
HRLHA Press Release: Another Batch of Oromos Face AnotherBundle of Charges
(December 19, 2008) Among the numerous civilian Oromos who have been detained during the most recent wave of arrest and imprisonment, sixteen of them have been charged with an allegedly politically motivated crime. Full Report
Wayyaanee [Ethiopian] Troops Murdered 2 Oromo Civilians in Cold Blood in Harargee
(OLF News, December 15, 2008) The Wayyaanee [Ethiopian] invading army, which considers the Oromo people its number one enemy that can threaten its power, is reported to have killed two Oromo nationals in Western Harargee zone around a place known as Saaqqataa. Full Report
Heroic Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) Freedom Fighters Made Over 28 Wayyaanee Invading Troops Out of Action
(OLF News, December 14, 2008) The hope and shield of the Oromo people, the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) Eastern Command reported that our gallant freedom fighters have put over 28 Wayyaanee [Ethiopian] invading troops out of action on December 07, 2008 in Eastern Oromia, killing 13 enemy troops and wounding at least 15. Full Report
Oromo Local Heroine in London, U.K.
(December 13, 2008) The British government honored Aduu Joba, a graduate of Kingston University in London recently for her efforts to teach Oromo children and youth in London how to read, write and speak Afan Oromo. Full Report
Obama Shirt Became Crime in Ethiopia: Several Oromos Arrested and Beaten
(OLF News, December 12, 2008) Our sources from Finfinnee (Addis Ababa) reported that Oromo nationalists from several towns of Eastern part of Oromia such as Ciroo, Adama, Bushooftuu, all the way up to Finfinnee are being abducted and severely beaten for wearing t-shirt or sweater that has the picture of the president-elect of the United States Barack Obama. Full Report